Fire Alarm Systems

Security Wise (N.W) Limited can supply a range of systems, from Fire Detection & Alarm Systems to large-scale Manual and Automatic Fire Suppression Systems such as Fire Sprinkler Systems, Condensed Aerosol Fire Suppression Systems and Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems. As an authorised installer of Fike Fire Protection Systems, you can be sure that all of our Fire Protection Systems are thorough and affordable.

Following the changes to the law regarding fire safety in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the responsibly of fire alarms in businesses lies with the premises occupier – not with the premises owner. Along with adhering to the relevant fire regulations, there are a number of Health & Safety regulations which business owners must be aware of, especially in relation to Fire Safety.

Security Wise (N.W) Limited can help business owners to adhere to the relevant legislation by providing an independent risk assessment to determine the category of Fire Alarm of System required. Following the Risk Assessment, Security Wise (N.W) Limited can install and maintain the system for you.

Below we have listed the different categories of Fire Alarm Systems with a brief description of their objectives. These categories are set by BS 5839: Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems for Buildings.

Categories of Fire Alarm Systems

Fire alarm systems are installed in buildings to satisfy one or more of the following objectives: Protection of Life, Protection of Property, Protection against Business Interruption, Protection of the Environment.

The following list shows the different categories of Fire Alarms Systems that Security Wise (N.W) Limited can install.

Category L Systems – For the Protection of Life

L1 – Installed throughout all areas of a building to offer the easiest possible warning of a fire to allow for the longest possible time for escape.

L2 – Installed in defined areas of a building. Meets the standards of L3 systems + the additional objective of providing early warning of fire in specified areas.

L3 – Designed to give a warning of fire at the early stage to enable all occupants except those in the room where the fire originated to escape before escape routes become impassable due to fire, smoke or toxic fumes.

L4 – Category 4 systems cover escape routes and circulation areas only. Therefore, detectors will be placed in escape routes, although this may not be suitable depending on the risk assessment or if the size and complexity of a building is increased. Detectors might be sited in other areas of the building, but the objective is to protect the escape route.

L5 – This is the “all other situations” category e.g. computer rooms which may be protected with an extinguishing system triggered by automatic detection. Category 5 systems are the “custom” category and relate to some special requirement that cannot be covered by any other category.


Category P Systems – Automatic Systems for the Protection of Property

P1 – The system is installed throughout the building – the objective being to call the fire brigade as early as possible to ensure that any damage caused by fire is minimised. Small low risk areas can be excepted, such as toilets and cupboards less than 1m².

P2 – Detection should be provided in parts of the building where the risk of ignition in high and/or the contents are particularly valuable. Category 2 systems provide fire detection in specified parts of the building where there is either high risk or where business disruption must be minimised.

If you are looking for a Fire Alarm System, or just wish to know more, Security Wise (N.W) Limited can help. Call 01257 475678 to speak with one of our highly trained professionals.

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